Fast Truss design, supply & delivery all roof truss types for self-builders & developers throughout Ireland & Northern Ireland.

What are Pre-Fabricated Roof Trusses?

Roof Trusses are made up of pre-engineered, tailor designed components joined together with steel nail-plated fasteners, creating a structural frame for adequate support of a roof.

Standard roof trusses can be designed to a maximum span of 11 metres in 35mm thick graded timber, and to 16 metres using 47mm thick timbers.

While the standard range of pitch is between 15 to 40 degrees, we can design and manufacture trusses to all required pitches. Spacings are at 600 centres and 400 centres where specified by the engineer to support heavier loads.

What Are the Benefits?

Pre-fabricated roof trusses are now used in 95% of new build roof structures. Roof trusses use approx. 40% less timber than a traditional cut or pitched roof. Precision engineering and off-site manufacturing results in time and cost savings, along with eliminating site wastage. On average, roof trusses work out around 30% cheaper than a cut roof.

Greater clear spans can be accommodated without the need for additional supports, meeting the demands of modern-day builds and design. In many cases, such as with a scissor truss design, the need for high level steels or similar structural supports are eliminated resulting in cost savings and lengthy engineering processes.


to suit your design needs.

Cheaper & Faster

than a traditional cut roof.

Greater Spans

meaning less costly support.